I drink it everyday.
I was never one to go out for coffee until recently. Dave and I would chat about drinking coffee and how we thought that we could change the world after 3+ cups. Or, more along the lines of how brilliant and creative we are after 3 cups. I am sold. Why not?

Actually, I wanted to get out of my head and I did just that. I crawled into the heads of everyone else.
People hang out here all day. I had no idea. This is all new to me. It makes me feel smart to hang out at a bookstore, so why not? Feeling smart with a caffeine buzz is not a bad thing, well...until later. We won't talk about that now.


Students, retirees, mothers, kids, me. We're all here.
This blog isn't much of anything but to say I am "being."
I am here.
I am aware.