This is an intersting post on zerohedge...and is reflecting the crazy market dynamics that are effecting trading momentum and pushing us further in whatever direction the market is going than normal buying and selling dynamics would seem likely to do.
Seller Heavy Market Bid-Ask Stack Means Lifting Offers Pushes Stocks Higher As Increasingly More Shares Sold
Welcome to reverse distribution. The Bid-Offer stack in the ES is telegraphing the intentions of market participants who can't wait to offload positions, yet are doing so in a way that is pushing the market higher: any bid-side interest is occurring via market trades lifting the ES price courtesy of a massive ask-side inventory which however is locked into limit positions and refuses to go VWAP or market. Yes - sellers outnumber buyers two to one, but unlike panicked shorts who are urgently covering exposed positions, are willing to wait to get their desired price. And with every lift, the NBBO ratchets up one notch higher, creating a feedback loop. The more ask side interest, the faster the market rips, even as the imbalanced market with much greater sell-side interest clears progressively higher! Nothing like selling causing rising prices in this latest installment of the bizarro market.