As you may know, I set 39 goals for my 39th year last year and am happy to report that I completed most of the goals. Some were easy and I just needed to make time to do them and others were out of my control since it took more than myself to complete them, such as getting photos published in a magazine. I have to say that it's been an exciting year and one I won't soon forget.

In February, I had the opportunity to have my first art show in town. I also stepped out and took photographs of barber shops, and went to a creative mixer that lead to a photograph published in our local weekly paper called, "The District." Unfortunately, The District is no longer with us.
I began March by visiting the Salton Sea for the day to check that goal off of my list. I also baked a cake, painted, had a feature on the women's surf school las olas's website, took a trip to New York City, went back to the Salton Sea area to see Salvation Mountain and went on a camping trip to meet other ladies who love to camp and who love all things shiny. I had a great time meeting these women that call themselves the "silver sisters" who camp together with their airstreams. They allowed me to join the group even though I don't have an airstream but a silver teardrop trailer.
In April I started to prepare to get on the road so I donated all of my work clothes to "clothes the deal," I also had my first brave soul to be the subject of a senior portrait session, participated in a local art walk, celebrated one year without alcohol, saw Sia in concert, and was selected to be a participant in the Month of Los Angeles (MOPLA) group show with a photograph I took a month earlier at the silver sisters rally.
In May, I took a photo editing class and decided to trade passions to own my first DSLR camera. All photos up to this point have been taken with a point and shoot camera. During this month, I also decided to see what an iphone was all about and started taking photographs with my camera on my phone. I spent most of the month going places to take photographs with both cameras even when I took an unexpected turn and ended up in the emergency room. I felt the need to photograph that experience even as I was in the ambulance. I also went on my first "sisters on the fly" gathering in Arizona, saw what life was like on a working ranch and finally traveling to my second sisters on the fly meeting in California.
June started out in Jackson Center, Ohio when I was asked to be the official photographer for Airstream's "Alumapalooza" event. It was an exciting five days of meeting people from all over North America (and beyond!) with their shared love of Airstreams. All of the people I met were so down to earth and friendly. Even though the rain came and went, it didn't take away from all of us having a great time. After the event, I put together a slide show of the people and activities that transpired during those days. At the end of the month, I went to a Johnny Cash tribute show, photographed the Long Beach Roller Derby, toured Venice Beach and then hit the road with my camera, tent and my dog, Max!
The first day on my adventure took me to Twenty Nine palms in triple digit temperatures to meet author and photographer, Candacy Taylor. Max and I then went to Big Bear and headed up North in the middle of the state and ended up in beautiful Yosemite. For my ongoing project, "Women's Work," I was able to interview and photograph some of the women park rangers of Yosemite during my stay. The following weeks took me to Chico, Nevada City, and Lake Tahoe. The heat was pretty brutal during this time so I thought the solution would be to drive to the coast and stay on the coast from Northern California to Seattle. On that journey, I met "muffin man," camped at a wonderful free site on the coast of Oregon, saw a hit and run in Tillamook, and ended up visiting my dear friends near Seattle. I toured the Seattle area for a while and then headed up to Canada to meet blogger friends, Kim and Deb who worked at a motel while living in their Airstream.
At the end of July, I headed back to America to camp in North East Washington and stopped in Spokane for a few weeks to visit my friend Cat. During that time, I photographed the Washington State University team Airstream project, herded cows on a working ranch, went to an art fair in Idaho, and met some great friends during my stay in Spokane.
In August I headed to Montana to visit Glacier National Park, and met and stayed with Photographer Lauren Grabelle. From there I had to visit my favorite National Park, Yellowstone for a few days. Even in August, it was hailing and temps dropped to 28 degrees. During that time, Max kept me warm inside of the sleeping bag and was a trooper even in the sudden cold spell we were having. After a few days in Yellowstone, we headed to the Badlands and then met friend, Kristiana Spaulding on her travels west in South Dakota. When I met Kristiana, it was my first stop at a motel 6 and a welcome one. Max and I then headed to Illionis to visit Adriane. It was the first time I took my cruiser off of the bike rack to take it for a spin with some very serious bike riders in Bloomington. During this time, some photographs I took were published in Airstream Life magazine and Nesting Newbies Magazine. The end of August took me to Columbus, Ohio to meet writer/blogger Amy Kehoe.
September took me to the East Coast with my first stop being in Boston. I stayed with artist, Ronnie White and was lucky enough to catch a Red Sox game in Fenway Park. Labor Day weekend took me to upstate New York to attend the third annual gathering of Westy owners for their "Westyfest" camping event. I headed back to Boston to attend a family reunion (I was a guest) and soon after that I was headed to one of my favorite states, Maine. I met Adam and Susan at Alumapalooza in June and they offered Max and I to come visit and stay with them if we were in the area on our travels. While visiting them, I was lucky enough to attend Jane and Paul's annual pizza party on Bailey Island. Adam and Susan left to travel but extended an offer for Max and I to stay at their home while they were out and about. Of course we took them up on their offer! During this time, I met and got to know their neighbors Ralph and Dolly (Ralph's story was published in the Jan/Feb issue of Maine. The Magazine), ran into captain Andy and his yard ship in Rockland, met Susan of "Maine. The Magazine", documented BINGO in the area, visited Red's Eats as much as possible and enjoyed the sights of the area. My best friend Dan came to visit me in Maine for a week which was a treat to see someone from home after being on the road for months. We toured the Portland harbor, went to Arcadia National Park and then drove together to Cape Cod before he left.

The beginning of October was spent in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Max and I were fortunate to be able to stay in the home of Lisa and Diane for a few weeks for the second year. We took advantage of the one sunny day and rode the cruiser around the ocean path with Max's trailer in tow. It was Max's first time in the trailer and I think he enjoyed it. I love the cape and always will. This time around it was a short visit. After the cape, I headed back to Boston. During this time, I started making my art boxes, finalized my Photography Website, met Sue Dooley for lunch, attended more BINGO halls, visited the museum of bad art in Dedham and hung out with Ronnie and her friends in Boston.
At this time, the leaves were changing and you could feel the chill in the air. I headed South in November with my first stop being the coast of Delaware. I drove down to Virginia while hugging the coast along the way South. I stopped in Myrtle Beach for some BINGO and headed down to Savannah, Georgia. I loved this area so I stayed for a few days before breaking into the Florida panhandle. I met Rich Luhr and his family in a campsite in Destin, Florida for a night and quickly continued West on my journey. My next stop was Mobile, Alabama and then New Orleans, LA. I then drove west and stayed a few days in one of my favorite cities, Austin, TX. In Austin, I met some great photographers and a few Airstream vendors and was lucky enough to be in the city during their East Austin Studio tour weekend. Eventually I headed West to El Paso and then decided it was time to go home.

I am very fortunate to be able to do everything I did in 2010. The year has been good to me. I couldn't have done it without the help of old friends and new ones I met along my journey. Now that the year is over, I am working on my 40 goals for 2011. So far, I've written down three. It's not as easy as it seems but once they are written down, it's amazing how I hold myself accountable and look for ways to accomplish the goals...sometimes without thinking.
Thank you for reading about my adventures in 2010. I look forward to sharing more in the new year with you! Here's to the best year ever in 2011!